How to Stay Calm at Work

2 min readNov 28, 2020

Do not go crazy at work, IF you can help it.

When you are at work, you can only do you’re best because that is all you have to give or do, then it is time for a prayer to help keep you going and always trust in the Lord to help those who help themselves, ask for the nerve to ask for help if needed you never know, you might just get it.

Every business has its problems, it is just a fact that how you as a person deals with those problems, and how that business owner cares, or the hired management cares, you as a person cares about the surrounding carers or plan to just deal with it until you get to a position of rank to show the dead-end company that you care enough to get rid of the deadwood and get people who will make the company grow for the better, which would make everybody happy, better pay, better conditions, no more demands, just nothing but profits, profit sharing, everybody wins finally. Oh and, I forgot the customers are happy too. God’s happy too.

If it does not work out sometimes you just move on / find another job, and let the company die. Sometimes the company is not doing the correct business practices and they need to die and go bankrupt and change their name and move on. that has happened to me 18 times, that’s why I bought my own business, so far so good, I am still striving to do better than anybody else, customers are my friends forever and ever, you will treat everybody correctly under GOD because If you believe in GOD, you will get it right the first time, or at least try to do so with your best effort.

Customer service is number one, solve the problems that your friends are having and everybody is very happy together.




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